
“O God, our refuge and strength, and an ever-present help in times of trouble, how much I need Your strength and presence in my life right now. I feel weak, depressed, anxious, even frightened. I need help to face these hours and days. So I claim Your promises that I can bear whatever comes, that Your strength will be sufficient, and that my despair will give way to your peace that passes all understanding. Amen.” ~ from Gates of Healing, A Message of Comfort and Hope.

Today, in the United States, it is Thanksgiving Day. Many families will gather to stuff themselves silly, watch football, relax, argue, share stories, clean, prepare to go shopping for what is now “Black Thursday Night into Black Friday”….

healing-hands…and there are many who will go without today, whether they were devastated by our recent storms on the East Coast, are destitute without jobs &/or homes, or their friends & family have passed on.  Then there is the great suffering and pain that is going out in the Middle East, and war torn Darfur, and so many other parts of OUR world.

The prayer above is for them today. I have been saying it for myself since meeting with a spiritual leader, as I’ve felt the above, and feel the above. But…today, I’m hoping to send out strength to others, whether they know it or not, because it is all I can do. Is it enough? Not really, but I do hope that everyone who is suffering finds some inner strength to go on. Not just today.

Here is one things I’d like to share:

Giving thanks, being appreciative, should not be just this time of the year. This day. We should live it every day.

December should not be the only time we wish “Peace on Earth” and “Good will to ALL men”. Again, if we truly believed it, lived it, cared, extended ourselves all year round, not just one month a year, or one day a week…what a different world we’d live in.

Find strength every day, give thanks every day, and let’s wish for Peace on Earth and extend good will to all men every day.

9 thoughts on “Strength

  1. It truly would be an amazing world if we all worked together toward peace and allowed our grudges, selfishness and impatience to fall by the wayside. You’re setting a good example by praying for others today despite your own burdens. (Hug)

  2. That is a beautiful prayer and to send it out to others who are suffering (even when I know you still are too) is an act of great love and compassion Stuart. It speaks to your truth. I think we need more people with a mindset like yours in the world today. Many blessings for a peaceful day. xoxo

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Stuart! We all need to take it one day at a time and be grateful for what we have. It is very nice of you to think of others despite what has happened to you. x

  4. Good thoughts all, Stu. The radio program Dr Metcalf and I did this week was entitled Feasting on the Leftovers, and it pointed up that we should be feasting on the spiritual leftovers of Thanksgiving not just for a few days after, but through the whole year. And he did mention the irony of spending a day dedicated to being grateful for what we have, then immediately launching into a greed-fest by lusting after everything advertised.

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