Turn Yourself Around…

ships wheelNot turning out like I was hoping

All mixed up

Turned around

Kept turning in place

I put my right foot out

Bringing something new

But, not enough

Not what was originally offered

A foot in an open door

Only the toes right now

Hopefully more than the foot

Turn myself around

Shake my head

Not sure if that’s what it’s all about

4 thoughts on “Turn Yourself Around…

  1. Stuart, after reading your poem I immediately thought “what a perfect anthem for being a grown-up”. It’s how I’ve felt most of my life since striking out on my own. I hope you find how to take a breather and at least enjoy the scenery while your turning. šŸ™‚

  2. I think the issue is that we consider ourselves always at the helm. And, as such, feel that we can pull the wheel one way or the other to keep the direction we thought we wanted. But, instead of at the helm, we are sometimes being towed by the bigger ships in the sea. And, while our turns of the wheel can make slight adjustments, we can’t turn things around… We need to recognize those facts, and realize that we should stop pulling at the wheel so hard. Up and until we can break free of the pack, when we need to fully aware and ready to take the helm once again.

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